Dear Friends,
Due to COVID-19, the Ark is taking serious precautions to protect our employees and the public, but in turn facing some significant challenges. We realize that we are not alone in this devastating time, however we feel it necessary to inform our community and supporters of some of the ways that this situation has affected a non-profit animal shelter such as ourselves.
We at the Ark recognize the seriousness of COVID-19 pandemic and the role we must play in keeping the public safe. With this being said, the Ark is currently not open to the public, in turn drastically minimizing our donation intake and adoption rates. With safety measures in place due to this pandemic, however, life as we know it in the shelter continues to go on and needs continue to grow. We are currently caring for upwards of 28 dogs and 50+ felines. Some of our felines are facing upper-respiratory infections, and giving birth to kittens. Strict shelter management is playing a large role in keeping the shelter thoroughly sanitized and administering constant care to animals that aren’t feeling well.
Additionally, as animals affected by both human illness and our changing economy will need our support more than ever, and the Ark must and will persevere through these challenges. We will need additional support to do so. As determined by Hurricane Katrina, human and animal lives are seriously intertwined and the safety of humans is more supported when animals are part of this plan.
We spent a large amount of money on pet food last week to ensure that we would have enough food to feed our animals here at the shelter, should food become difficult to obtain. We are looking at the possibility of having to cut our employees hours should things continue to progress with COVIOD-19, employing only a bare-minimum “skeleton crew.”
As animal lovers who spend their time, life and energy ensuring permanency, care and safety to pets, there is nothing quite as devastating as the thought of taking a hit in this broad and comprehensive area. Just think: We were concerned about even being able to obtain food for our Ark pets.
At this time, the Ark is asking for the public’s support, donation wise. Any little bit will help us during this time. Donations will be used for general shelter operations. We can take cash donations outside pick-up, a check outside pick-up or mailed, or online donation via PayPal on our website under the “donate” tab. If you do not feel like donating your money to the Ark, please consider one of the other shelters in our beautiful state during this time.
The Ark pets and myself would like to thank our community, our supporters, and our friends at this time for your compassion, understanding, and support. We hope you all stay safe during this time of need.
Shaina R. Mugford
Shelter Administrator