
Senior 8 years plus

Dog Size
Small 0 to 25 lbs


Meet the 8 year-old papillon who is looking desperately for someone to foster him! Although his life has not been the best, he continues to take everything with grace and stride. Louie is not potty-trained, and will need someone versed in helping little dogs with some training. At times, he will need to wear a belly-band to reduce “marking’ as he is not yet neutered. We will make sure he is neutered while in foster care. We feel it’s very important for Prince Louie to be in a foster home rather than the shelter environment due to his needs.We also hope that the foster home would be a foster-to-adopt home. Prince Louie enjoys being held, and being with his people constantly. He loves car rides, sleeping on the bed with his folks, being in laps, and being carried around. As long as you are with him, he is happy! Prince Louie has a bit of a sore mouth with some work being done, so it is important that he have wet food for now, preferably mixed with water, as his water intake has been less than ideal. Prince Louie is an excellent dog, very “chill” and laid back. Big dogs tend to love him, as do little dogs and kitties too. He is very accustomed to being around other dogs, and would do best in a home with other furry friends. Prince Louie enjoys his time outside, and likes to romp in the grass. He likes to be at your heels and follow you everywhere!

We plan on being a bit particular about Louie’s foster home, but are welcoming foster application on his, and hope that you call the shelter today to make an appointment to meet him. We have ordered a front-hanging sling for the lucky foster who has the time and patience to spend with Louie, as at only 4 pounds, he would love to be close to you and be carried around!

Prince Louie will need frequent brushing and regular grooming due to his coat.

*Please understand that belly bands are recommended not just for your floors and furniture, but also for training purposes. Where he is not neutered, if he marks in your house it will leave a scent, which will in turn make an un-neutered male mark again.*

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