Dog Breeds that Suffer from Anxiety and Depression – And How To Help

Dog Breeds that Suffer from Anxiety and Depression – And How To Help

Our canine friends are more like us than you might think. Animals are susceptible to bouts of depression and anxiety so we should offer them some form of “counseling.” In fact, some species are more prone to depression than others so they should be given extra care.

There are several symptoms that indicate your beloved pet is suffering from depression such as excessive vocalization in the form of whining or howling, loss of appetite or excessive sleeping. If you own one of the following dog breeds, it is good to know how you can help them deal with anxiety and depression.

Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is one of the cutest dog breeds out there so it is hard to believe these furry white balls of joy can succumb to depression. However, they don’t react well to loneliness and become destructive as soon as there are no humans around to cuddle with.

If this loneliness continues over a prolonged period, these occasional bouts of anxiety can quickly turn into depression which is harder to treat. Apart from showering them with attention and love, consider getting a portable speaker specially designed for dogs. Dog music is a proven canine anxiety solution that nearly all breeds, including the Bichon Frise, can benefit from.

Border Collie

Another popular working dog is a Border Collie. These canines don’t only possess high levels of energy but they are extremely intelligent. They can learn a massive amount of tricks as it is fairly easy to train them, to the amazement of the youngest members of the household.

The only real flaw of Border Collies is the fact that they get bored easily and then engage in destructive behaviour.  Homeowners who have witnessed this behaviour have had pillowcases ripped and flower pots overturned. That is why hiring a dog sitter is an excellent way to appease your Border Collie who could be suffering on the inside if you work long hours, or make sure you can keep them entertained before purchasing a Border Collie. It’s also important that you train and teach your border collie new tricks to tap into their mental and physical energy and buy dog fence so they can have enough space.

Labrador Retriever

A breed that is most suitable for families is the Labrador Retriever. It is essentially a working dog but it is great with kids because it displays loyalty, intelligence, and friendliness. In addition, they tend to get along well with other pets so they are ideal for families with a menagerie.

Labrador Retriever’s behavioral needs are mental and physical stimulation, as they are an energized and playful breed. That’s why their owners’ have a duty to take them outside regularly and provide mental stimulation. Once you throw the slightest of input (or just a bone) to a Labrador Retriever, you can expect then to turn a happy face and stay clear of anxietal problems.

German Shepherd

The two main roles of German shepherds are protection and herding. They are natural-born leaders who enjoy leading and directing other animals, such as sheep. On the other side, their obedience makes them perfect for house and yard pets that are easily trained because of their innate intelligence.

Having this in mind, it is no wonder that they become anxious and even depressed if you leave them alone for a long period. Furthermore, any lack of physical activity has a devastating effect on them, forcing them to act weirdly because of anxiety attacks. The best way to counter depression is to get another German shepherd to keep them company. Even a baby dog makes for an excellent tool in the fight against depression in this breed.

Basset Hounds

There is hardly a canine breed more suitable for hunting down rodents that the Basset Hound. These dogs have an excellent sense of smell, which is no wonder when you consider the fact that they were originally bred for hunting hare. Another trait of these dogs is their social nature because they are used to hunting in packs.

Separation from other canines and people has a devastating effect on their mental health so they quickly develop anxiety and depression. You should reciprocate their devotion by desensitization and counterconditioning. In addition, hiding treats and other accessories from your beloved Basset Hound is an excellent motivator for them to stay active while you’re away from the house.

Photo by Lauren McConachie on Unsplash

Cocker Spaniels

Although they are considered hunting dogs, Cocker Spaniels are more valued for their companionship. These hyperactive dogs are intelligent, resilient, and friendly with children. For all these reasons, leaving them alone can cause them to fall into depression. They usually develop a hyper-attachment disorder, so be careful when leaving them alone. You should make sure that at least your kids stay in the house to provide adequate exercise to the canine pet. This should not be a problem as both children and the Cocker Spaniel will get a good runout.

As you realize by now, all of the species listed can become anxious and subsequently depressed if they are left alone. Furthermore, physical inactivity tends to bring them down so show them a lot of love and care like they do you and your family.

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