The Ark staff and Shelter Administrator would like to take a moment in recognizing Michelle M. Wright “Shelly” as the new Shelter Manager at the Ark!

Michelle has been a full-time  Animal Care Technician since July 2019, and volunteered with us prior to being hired. She takes charge with confidence, is excellent with the public, committed to Pet Point Date Entry and is taking charge of it. Most importantly, Shelly is dedicated to the shelter and has natural insight to animal care and well-being. Shelly takes every animal that comes into the shelter under her wing. This includes dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rats, rabbits, birds, and any other critter that comes our way. Regardless of their behaviors and challenges, Shelly loves them and respects them.

Shelly was the first employee to be recognized as Employee of the Quarter, always being willing to help and being confident in decisions in regards to animal care. At any given moment, you will come into the shelter and hear Shelly gently cooing to every animal she sees while providing them all with love and respect.

Shelly has a background in animal care, employment in pet stores, and experience with staff management and training. Welcome to the management team at the Ark, Michelle! We are so happy and proud to have you as the Ark’s new Shelter Manager.

Very Sincerely,

Shelter Administrator

Shaina Mugford

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