“Stitch in Time”
Funded by the Ark Thrift Shop in Blue Hill, the Ark has the most comprehensive spay/neuter program in the North East since 1984. It’s called Stitch in Time. We work with our local vets to help you get your pet spayed and neutered. The vets will pay a third, the Ark will pay a third, and the owner will pay the remaining third. All you have to do is make an appointment with your vet of choice and then send us proof of low-income, and we will fax a voucher to your vet.
While many people realize that the Stitch Program alleviates the unwanted pet population, what many people don’t realize is that spaying and neutering also can alleviate unwanted behaviors and expensive health problems in regards to your pet.
“Marking” and “Spraying”
While unaltered female dogs/cats sometimes can urinate in the home, it’s most often males. Male dogs will “mark” and male cats will “spray” in your home to claim their territory or make known their reproductive status. Unaltered males will often spray in your home, and their urine often smells very strong due to the chemicals in their urine from not being neutered. Spaying and neutering your pet greatly reduces this unwanted behavior.
Health Concerns
In females, it is important to get them spayed prior to their first heat, if possible. “In heat” refers to a cat who is mature and ready to mate. Spaying prior to a cat’s first heat decreases chances of infections in reproductive organs and different types of cancers.
In males, prostates can become enlarged without neutering, causing infections, pain, and other issues.Testicular cancer and other medical conditions could also result from not neutering.
Urge to Roam
Cats and dogs who are not spayed/neutered tend to wander, seeking a mate. Therefore, it is much more prevalent that un-altered cats are hit by vehicles or killed in nature.
Some people believe that an unaltered animal can develop aggressive behaviors and be more territorial.
Unwanted Pet Population
Our world is filled with shelters that are housing unwanted animals, and oftentimes “kill” shelters are euthanized daily in order to keep up with the demand of incoming pet surrenders, while no-kill animal shelters meet their quota and are full and can no longer keep up with the demands of society’s lack of responsibility. Spaying and neutering your pet will stop reproduction, thus contributing to helping society with the issue of unwanted pets. Please be responsible socially and as a pet owner and spay and neuter your pets. The Ark is here to help you if you have any concerns about spaying/neutering, or if you need to utilize a Stitch voucher!
Shaina R. Mugford
Shelter Administrator