by The Ark Manager | Dec 29, 2024 | Cats, Successful Cat Adoptions
Say Hello To Martha!
Martha is one of the sweetest ladies to ever come through our doors! She is a very human-oriented type of cat, who is really looking for someone to love/love her! Martha is 6 years old, and enjoys VERY long naps in the comfiest place she can find. She does not really love the idea of other cats, but can coexist beautifully with others as she really just keeps to herself!
Please help us get this lady out of a cage and into a home, she could really use some uplifting!
by The Ark Manager | Dec 29, 2024 | Cats, Successful Cat Adoptions
Meet Julia!
Julia is a very sweet lady, rubbing up on your legs when given the chance. She can be a little shy and quiet at first but once she gets to know you, she’ll never leave you alone. She loves to play, likes treats, loves a good cat tunnel, and especially loves some catnip!! She does enjoy the company of other cats, so we are thinking it would be best that she go to a place with a cat already in the home, or maybe adopted out with another cat we have here!
by The Ark Manager | Dec 17, 2024 | Cats, Successful Cat Adoptions
Bogie and Cappy (seen below) are both very very sweet boys. Bogie is always one of the first to walk up to you when you go in the room, especially if he thinks he’ll be getting some lovies. Cappy tends to stick to his favorite cubby in a cat tree, but will come out especially for treats!
Both of these guys are very affectionate, it just takes a little more convincing with Cappy as he tends to be slightly shy sometimes. These boys are a bonded pair and have been together since birth, so we would love to see them go into a home together.

by The Ark Manager | Dec 17, 2024 | Cats, Successful Cat Adoptions
Mr. Wilson has quite the back story. Mr.Man first came to us without the ability to fully open his eyes. He had been a stray guy living outside for all 2 years of his life, and couldn’t really see much the whole time due to his eyelids being almost completely closed. After getting a one-time procedure done on his eyes, he cam out of his shell VERY quickly!
Mr.Wilson LOVES to play, LOVES affection, and DOUBLE LOVES treats!
It is the cutest thing ever seen to watch him chase a laser pointer around, especially knowing it wasn’t something he was ever able to do before. Even as a past stray he seems to not mind being an inside guy. It seems this man is happy as can be getting pets, treats, and playtime whenever he meows for it (Which is often, he is quite the talker).
by The Ark Manager | Dec 17, 2024 | Cats, Successful Cat Adoptions
Meet Sunisa!
Sunny as we like to call her, is quite the loving little lady!
She is one of the sweetest ladies that we have and is one of the first kitties to come over when she thinks she is going to get some loves from you. She absolutely adores playing with other cats so it would be best for a cat to already be in the home or for her to be adopted with one of her brothers/sisters. Sunisa is a very well rounded lady already at just 8 months, and would be the best addition to ANY household!