Born in October of 2012, Tizzy is a black cat with dazzling green eyes. He loves to play with balls and feathers, often bringing his community room to life with games. Unlike his best buddy Stewie, Tizzy likes being the center of attention, and is looking to be the...
A dilute Tortie born on December 10, 2012, Summer once led the stray life before being taken in as a foster—now at the Shelter, she’s doing her best to stay positive about the future. With strong eyes and a lovely purr, playful and affectionate too, Summer’s here....
Born in October of 2013, Savanah is a black-and-brown Tabby with touches of white. A real baby, she loves to cuddle and be held, finding that perfect little nook in your arm to snuggle. She’s so petite and cute, how can you resist her?