by sjbennett | Mar 14, 2014 | Dogs, Successful Dog Adoptions
HAPPINESS AWAITS YOU. They say happiness is infectious. Well come catch the Jupi Bug—he leaps, he bounds, he can put a smile on your face faster than a banana split. A one-year-old Chinese Crested Hairless, Jupi loves everyone he meets, including children, other dogs, and cats, too. A one of a kind, Jupi’s waiting for someone to carry him away into that sweet tomorrow. Come see Jupi today, and feel the HAPPINESS.

by sjbennett | Mar 13, 2014 | Cats, Successful Cat Adoptions
My name is Kitty, and it has been for the last sixteen plus years. That’s right, I’m sixteen, but in many ways I still feel like a kitty. I’m in very good health, and in fact, I just had an appointment with the dentist and he said that I have the teeth of a much younger cat. As a “senior cat,” I’m looking to continue a low-key, indoor lifestyle where I can enjoy all the little moments that make up the day. I still have a lot of life and a lot of love to give, so here’s to new beginnings (no matter how old you are).
by sjbennett | Mar 13, 2014 | Cats, Successful Cat Adoptions
Morris here, and I’m a six-and-a-half year old orange Tabby. The Staff tell me that I’m quite the conversationalist. I enjoy people’s company, and I’m looking forward to finding a nice home with an older person or couple who just want a sweet house cat who likes to carry on a conversation. In short, I’m an all around nice cat looking for a forever home. Every cat deserves one, don’t you think? Let’s talk about it.
by sjbennett | Mar 13, 2014 | Cats, Successful Cat Adoptions
Born on May 1st, 2012, Midgee is a black Domestic Shorthair with yellow eyes and fine strokes of white hair throughout his coat. A perfect little gentleman, Midgee doesn’t come on too strong, but when ready, warms up with a marvelous purr. Playful, curious, and easily compatible with other cats, Midgee’s perfectly charming.
by sjbennett | Mar 13, 2014 | Cats, Successful Cat Adoptions
Vera is a small, golden-eyed girl born in October of 2008. She is very comfortable and happy around other cats, but still a bit shy and timid with strangers. There were some scary times in her past, making Vera unsure of herself and her place in the world. Vera has a white spot under her chin, a white napkin around her neck, white socks on her feet, and hope in her heart that if she purrs loudly enough, someone special will come running.