

Born in March of 2012, Beahti is an orange Tabby with burnt-orange eyes and matching coat. Often keeping to herself or snuggling with one of her cat buddies, Behati’s yearning for a quiet, homey environment where she can settle down into an easy lifestyle. A real darling, Beahti would love to sit with you on the couch while you knit her a cozy cat blanket.



Wesley is a shorthaired male born sometime in July of 2010. When you first enter the community cat room, Wesley jumps up on the catwalk to quietly observe you from above. Long and lean like a panther with hypnotic orange eyes, he likes to take a little time to survey the situation before “jumping right in.” Now that’s a cat with sense! You’ve got to see this cat.



My name is Mittens and I was born sometime in August of 2012. A kind woman took me in, but she has since gone away. One day I was happy living in her home, and the next day I was living at the Shelter. I’m a friendly, affectionate guy who gets along very well with other cats, but when it comes to play time, I can be a bit rambunctious. I like people too, but I don’t think I would be a good fit for a home with children. Won’t you come and see what I’m all about?



Sissy is a sleek, young spitfire. Born in August of 2013, Sissy will keep you entertained for hours with her kitty antics—batting balls, toys, and sparking up spirited games of hide-and-seek. Sissy is so super soft and silky you won’t be able to put her down!



An affectionate, handsome male born in April of 2012, Casper will follow you around like a shadow, always keeping an eye on what you will do next. A smart, curious, active cat and a great guy to have around, Casper wants to be your Best Buddy.