Big Boy and Little Girl

Big Boy and Little Girl

Big Boy and Little Girl are the power couple of the month! Big Boy has the presence of a panther and Little Girl is the perfect compliment; a soft little sweetie. Big Boy likes to hunt outside for his little lady while she takes long beauty naps and enjoys a nice pat indoors. They were originally adopted from the Ark several years ago by their former owner but she recently passed away. Luckily a friendly neighbor stepped in and cared for them until finally making the decision to send them back to us to begin their next journey. Will you help them take their final steps into a forever home?

Big Boy

Little Girl



This is Dahlia! She was an outside kitty before she came to us. In her escapades she became pregnant and had kittens, but she has since been fixed and is up to date on all her shots. She’s very loving to humans but we’re not sure how she feels about other cats. She’s very laid back here in her apartment and spends her days waiting for her crunchy food and soft snuggles. Come meet this sweet baby angel today!

Lady Shadow and Mr. Ham

Lady Shadow and Mr. Ham

Meow Meow! Our names are Lady Shadow and Mr. Ham! We just arrived at the shelter not too long ago because our parents moved into a new facility and could not take us with them ): We LOVE attention and are soo so sweet. We aren’t related by blood but that doesn’t diminish our bond; we spend our days cuddling and grooming each other! Do you have room in your hearts and home for the two of us?

Lady Shadow is 3 years old and Mr. Ham is 11, though he doesn’t seem it! He has a young soul and curious spirit.



Hello, I’m Daisy!

I can be a tiny bit shy at first, but I LOVE some good scratches! I mostly spend my time either sleeping, sniffing catnip, or playing with my friends! I am pretty easy going, and am just looking for someone to love me like I would love them! I would prefer if there was a friendly kitty in the home already or maybe even have one adopted with me, I just really like having company and someone to play with!



Much like Perla, I enjoy REAL short walks to the food dish, and I also LOVE to play with the other kitties! All I need in a home is a loving human, a friendly/playful friend, and lots and lots of cat treats…maybe some catnip too…
I can be a tiny bit shy at first, but I promise we can be friends!!
I find that the comfort of another cat around really eases my nervousness, and I suppose that my sister Ava isn’t ALLL that bad. She seems to like me, and I guess she isn’t terrible to play with…
Really I am just looking for a friend and a human that will love me!



Hi, my name is Perla!
I can be just a little bit shy at first, but I love some good scratches!
I enjoy short walks to the food dish, and long play sessions with my siblings. I am pretty easy to accommodate, just as long as you have toys and treats!
I do really enjoy the company of others so I would love if there were either another kitty in your home already that I could play with, or maybe you could adopt me as a pair with one of my siblings! (I especially like Ava, she’s the most fun!)