

Grace. She is playful and sweet. She will playfully bite. Big personality. Has a tendency to be vocal. Greets you enthusiastically. Occasionally climbs your back. Very cuddly after playtime. She is the sole survivor of her litter.


Elizabeth is a beautiful tortie kitty. It appears as though she is pregnant, but we promise e she is not! She is just a little bit of a chunky money. She is very friendly with her community kitties that she shares a room with. She loves people and loves to be touched....


Peaches is an elegant looking medium-haired black and white kitty, small and feminine and full of purrs. She enjoys sitting in the sun, getting human love, and “love biting” sometimes when she gets human attention! If you would like to meet this ten year...


Allie is three years old and an absolutely STUNNING tortie. She likes to roll around, purr, and show off her good looks, while being perched up high! She is spending a lot of time with her boyfriend Melman lately, and sleeping beside him in the Stripes room. Would you...
Miss Purty

Miss Purty

Miss Purty is only two years old, and very loving. She is just a peanut, too! When the staff cleaned her cage before she went into a community kitty room, she would actually hug them! Do you think you might want to make room in your heart and home for the precious...