Have you been searching for a kitten or two? Search no more!

We have multiple tiny kitties running around, some short hair, some long hair, some males, and some females. There is a bit of everything. There is are already one female and one male on hold, but there are still a bunch of babies waiting for their forever homes! They are due to be fixed before the second week of September, so they will be ready to go soon!!

Lil’ Romeo

Lil’ Romeo

Lil’ Romeo is quite the guy! He spends most of his time trying to rough house with the other cats, eating, or sleeping. He is extremely playful and will need someone or another cat in the home to help him burn that energy. He does like to shoulder surf every once in a while, but he’s a pretty good surfer by now! Lil’ Romeo would do best in a home maybe with older kids that would run around with him, keeping him entertained and tired



Meet lilabelle

Lilabelle is a very independent lady! She likes to spend most of her time chilling in a cat tree, taking a nap. She does liked to be loved on, but she gets overstimulated easy sometimes and will give a chomp. Not a serious one, but enough for her to communicate that she doesn’t want to be touched anymore. She is pretty quiet most of the time, only meowing when she really wants something. The best home environment for her would be somewhere where she can come to you when she wants. somewhere she doesn’t feel pressured.


Meet Dehlia

Say hello to our resident potato. Dehlia, she is 10 years old and just the sweetest chunky monkey ever. She has such a calm and quiet demeanor, but she’s also very friendly, snuggable and lovable. Because of her age we think she would do best in a home that is quieter.


Meet Mars

Introducing Mars another young male around 5 years old and he is just so handsome with his one blue eye and his one green eye and his curly fur on his belly will just make you melt. He is an absolute gentle soul that has a very calming and peaceful way about him. He loves a cuddle buddy and should go to a home with a friendly cat!


Meet Mistew

Say hello to Mistew. This handsome fellow is 17 years old. He would do best as the only pet in the house as he isnt very fond of any other animal. He is fixed male. He is very sweet to people, he would make a great lap cat in a quiet home.