by The Ark Manager | Nov 4, 2019 | Dogs, Happy Tails, Successful Dog Adoptions
Abby was Adopted! Do you like to throw balls? Does your family like to play, and enjoy walks, exercise and stimulation? Are you patient with puppy silliness and like to give belly rubs? We are pleased to introduce Abbie to you. She is a six month old Shepard mix. While Abbie is in need of some basic training due to her young age, she is also very love-able and will make the right family a wonderful dog. She currently enjoys jumping, biting at her leash, and looking cute.
by The Ark Manager | Oct 22, 2019 | Cats, Happy Tails, Successful Cat Adoptions
Do you like fluffy, pretty kitty cats? Meet Bebe! She enjoys relaxation and soft beds. She would really like to spend her winter curled up next to you, and her boyfriend, Boots, who she met at the shelter. They have fallen in love, but who is to blame them? Boots is a pretty handsome guy too. The good news is: They were adopted together!!
by The Ark Manager | Oct 22, 2019 | Cats, Happy Tails, Successful Cat Adoptions
Boots and his girlfriend Bebe were adopted together! Do you like cats with TONS of personality? Cats that make you laugh, and keep you entertained? Well then, my friends: Meet Boots! Boots enjoys playing with paper bags, twitching his tail, cuddling with his girlfriend Bebe, and playing with toys. Although much older than Bebe, with his mitten-paws, good looks, and personality-plus, it’s really no wonder why Bebe picked him for a boyfriend! Boots loves other kitties, and he has a heart of gold. He might be nearly ten years old, but you would never guess it! He is a handsome domestic long hair tabby with white markings. He has a funny looking walk, but it’s probably a combination of obesity and what the vet to believes possible arthritis. He doesn’t let that stop him from loving life and looking for his home!
by The Ark Manager | Oct 22, 2019 | Cats, Happy Tails, Successful Cat Adoptions
SAM WAS ADOPTED! Meet Sam, who loves the presence of other kitty cats. He enjoys laying in a warm bed, and getting attention. He would do well with being the only kitty, but he would also do well being with other kitties! He was born in June of 2007. We would love to have someone come in and meet him, and bring him home with them. He is such a sweet cat! Please come meet Sam!
by The Ark Manager | Aug 20, 2019 | Happy Tails
“We adopted Callie 5 years ago from the Ark and decided about 2 months later she needed a companion so we adopted Mittens but we renamed him Gronk from the Ark as well. They are still happy healthy members of our family. Callie is our little scavenger, I can’t count the times she’s brought home “presents” for us in the form of mice, squirrels, and even a bird a time or two.
Gronk is our snuggle bug, always greeting us in bed every morning demanding attention. They are both great additions to our family!”
by The Ark Manager | Aug 20, 2019 | Happy Tails
This is the second happy tail happy adoption story, from February 2017. From the owner: “Months after Moose passed, I went to the Ark to find a new companion and was referred to a small Chihuahua Terrier mix named Taco. I was told he’d been rescued from a shelter in Florida and had been adopted about 5-6 times prior only to be returned to the shelter because of his severe behavioral issues. All I can say is, he must have just been waiting for us to take him home! Taco (renamed Tenzin) is happy, healthy, and enjoys hiking, beach time, and snuggling with our cat.”